Q. Are the products authentic?
A. Yes. Most of the items were purchased from the official website. The receipt can be provided upon request. Some items were purchased from an over stock reseller. It will be clearly stated in the description. Our store offers free domestic return(U.S. only) with 15 days if the item is not from the official website.
Q: Does store offers holiday discounts/sale?
A: No. There are only limited quantities for most of items in the store. Free Shipping over $200. No sales tax if the shipping address is not in North VA. Other than that, no further discount will be offered.
Q: How long does it take to ship out an order
A:It usually takes less than three business days. If you want an item in a rush, please contact us through online chat or email. We will do our best to help!
Q:Do you accept return?
A:Yes. Please check our return policy.
Q: Do you have physical store?
A:No.It's an online store only. All the items are cross posted. Please check our excellent reviews on multiple selling platforms below. Miniworldexplorers.com offers the best price and the easiest return/refund policy.
Q:What's your business hours?
A:Open 9-5 7days a week.